Octopussy EVO is a revolutionary series of self-propelled tracked platforms. The basic concept of this type of platform has merged with the construction technique of self-propelled platforms creating a sturdy structure with a futurist design

Octopussy EVO is available in two versions: 1500 and 1800 which have different performances and dimensions. Octopussy EVO is a platform with a double pantograph unit that can lift 200 kg (2 operators + tools); it is equipped with a special stabilization system in different areas of the machine allowing the operator to work only on one side while halving the space occupied by the outriggers.
Octopussy EVO can also be fitted with a rotating jib with rotational movement 45° to the right and 45° to the left which added to the standard rotating platform with rotation 45° to the right and 45° to the left allows a rotation 90° to the right and 90° to the left
Technical specification 1800 EVO